A portrait of American youth culture in Calvin Klein's 'one future #ckone' campaign
A diverse cast of eleven young voices, in which jazz musician Brandon Woody stands out

December 1st, 2020
One of the limits of the fashion industry has always been its relationship with the new generations, a common difficulty in addressing, understanding and therefore representing the youngest members of society, as the brands seemed distant from their ideals and their desires. For over twenty-five years with Ck One Calvin Klein has bridged that distance, and with great results. Through iconic campaigns, the American brand has managed to portrait like no other how youth culture has changed throughout the years, without filters and in total freedom, putting their stories and their faces in front of the lens.
In a complicated and uncertain moment like the one we are facing today, Calvin Klein rediscovers this vocation in the one future #ckone campaign that focuses on the stories of 11 American talents and creatives, portraying them in their hometowns. The choice of the setting and the essentiality of the shots - taken by eleven different photographers - don't want just to highlight the individual experiences of each member of the cast, but intend to spark a broader debate, concerning the future of the United States and the role that young people will have in defining it.
In the varied cast of the campaign, which brings together young people with different backgrounds and origins, all in different American cities, stands out Brandon Woody, a 22-year-old from Baltimore, one of the most interesting and talented voices on the international jazz scene thanks to his unique approach to the trumpet. After spending one year at the Brubeck Institute and one year at the Manhattan School of Music, Woody decided to return to his hometown. In addition to playing and teaching around the world, Woody is working on his debut album together with his band UPENDO.
Brandon Woody told nss magazine about the relationship between music and fashion, the role that music should play in telling social issues, and about the importance of his bell-bottom trousers.
#1 What does Calvin Klein’s one future #ckone campaign represent to you?
The campaign represents me and my generation. It celebrates all of the diversity and culture from 10 amazingly unique individuals and voices that come from all different backgrounds. I believe that through this campaign has helped me as a black man spread my message to a wider more diverse group of people.
#2 In the video, you send a message about vulnerability, honesty, and sensitivity. How important are these themes in your music and everyday life?
Vulnerability is the most important thing in my music and my life. It is so scary sometimes to share your whole self, but even by me sharing my statements with you, I’m being vulnerable and letting you in to get to know me in a more real way. When I play with my band, we are always vulnerable with each other, which allows the music to be so unplanned that we are then able to go anywhere, any time. Honesty is important to music and my life. If something is not genuine, it is noticeable to me and everyone else. Being honest is part of being vulnerable. Sensitivity is in everyone’s music and life. We are all soft, even the biggest, strongest males are sensitive, and it’s important to not follow a certain societal standard that boxes us in.
#3 Have recent political and social events in the US left traces in your most recent music? And if so, what?
No, none of the political events has left traces in my music. My music sounds like my surroundings and what it is to live in Baltimore. Politics will never be involved in my music. However, social change does have an effect on my music. When I see Black kids dying and cops not being held responsible for it, or Black people being denied of our history, I feel responsible to tell those stories and honor those lives through my music. I will write to honor black history and my music will reflect the social change in the black community.
#4 How can fashion serve as a platform for the affirmation of young creatives like you?
My fashion is an embodiment and a type of affirmation of what’s in my mind. I am able to cover my temple/body with clothing that fits my mood and attitude. So through the way I drag my bell-bottoms to the ground or through the way I cut my t-shirts up, it tells a part of how I feel inside. Every piece I put on my body is a meditated choice and is an affirmation of who I am as a person.
#5 What do you love most about fashion and after being a part of such a dynamic campaign how do you see yourself continuing to collaborate in this creative space?
The thing I love the most about fashion is that price does not determine its worth, who I am does. The intention in picking what I want to wear based on my mood does. The music I’m playing while I wear it contributes to how what I wear makes me feel. I love that fashion is free and limitless. I will bridge the gap between fashion and music. In the most genuine way, I want to have brand-sponsored concerts where stylists pick out our outfits based on the music that we play or have short films with narrated outfits and music. I want to make bell bottoms a thing again. It’s so hard to get some bell bottoms for some reason. I hope to collaborate with a company on a nice pair of bell-bottoms in the future. I also want my band and others to play at fashion shows. I want to make fashion brands step more into an interdisciplinary realm.
La visione di CK One si traduce anche in una collezione di basics, capi minimal decorati dall'iconico logo del brand e arricchiti da nuovi accenti colorati, che giocano su contrasti cromatici e silhouette lineari. Nella proposta del brand spiccano crewneck e hoodie in bianco, nero, e giallo neon, insieme a giacche in denim e camicie in toni neutri, per una capsule pronta ad essere interpretata dalle giovani generazioni in tutto il mondo.
CK One's vision also translates into a collection of basics, minimal pieces decorated with the iconic logo of the brand and enriched by neon details, which play on chromatic contrasts and linear silhouettes. In the brand's proposal, crewnecks and hoodies in white, black and neon yellow stand out, together with denim jackets and shirts in neutral tones, for a capsule ready to be interpreted by the younger generations all over the world.