Balenciaga is under fire for allegedly ripping off a student's work
Artist Tra My Nguyen was contacted and then ghosted by the brand after sending her portfolio

July 24th, 2020
Two days ago, Balenciaga posted on its account a photograph of a motorcycle entirely covered in clothes – a photo worth 54,200 likes. But the brand was immediately accused of plagiarism by Diet Prada and the artist concerned, the Vietnamese Tra My Nguyen, who, just over a year ago, for her Master's project at the University of Berlin had explored the culture of Vietnamese women's biking – a project with a deeply personal element because the artist's mother had sold her bike to afford to move to Germany.
The project consisted of a collage of clothes draped on a motorcycle like a wearable sculpture. A month later, a creative development strategist at Balenciaga contacted Nguyen and asked her about her portfolio twice. But after getting it, the woman disappeared into thin air and Balenciaga never contacted Nguyen again. The matter seemed closed until the same artist saw the post two days ago – identical to her artistic project, only with clothes by Balenciaga.
As Diet Prada's own commentary points out, Demna Gvasalia knows well how a heritage luxury brand can be an essential platform for an emerging creative. For his SS17 collection, in fact, Gvasalia asked Martine Rose to collaborate with him and provide a consultation for the show, a partnership that was advertised and that, in hindsight, provided Rose with the perfect platform to build his reputation in the world of fashion design. Similarly, for example, Kim Jones had given enormous visibility to Yoon Ahn and her brand Ambush by hiring her as a jewellery designer of Dior. Balenciaga, however, seems to want to ignore the controversy: not only no statement has been released, but the debated photo is still visible on its account – photos below which in these hours are gathering more and more comments denouncing the appropriation of Nguyen's work.
To the issue of plagiarism and deception (in the email published by Diet Prada, the recruiter mentioned the possibility of an internship), there is also that of cultural appropriation. Nguyen's original project was linked not only to the artist's family history but to the wider phenomenon of female biking in Vietnam. The artist did not spare herself in denouncing Balenciaga, addressing the brand very harsh words through a long post on Instagram:
«It’s an artistic process and not a random fashionable aesthetic you can profit on! […] The idea was to deconstruct the emerging street style in Vietnam, dubbed as ‘Street Ninja’. […] the project suggests a strategy for reimagining the female motorist as protagonists, countering their discriminatory experiences. What is your inspiration? Why are you even draping garments over a motorbike? […] I am not your moodboard!».