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Fashion Revolution Italia organizes online lessons on sustainability

April 24th is the Fashion Revolution Day

Fashion Revolution Italia organizes online lessons on sustainability April 24th is the Fashion Revolution Day
Fashion Revolution Italia organizes online lessons on sustainability April 24th is the Fashion Revolution Day

On April 24, 2013, the factory of Rana Plaza, in Dhaka, Bangladesh, collapsed, causing the death of more than a thousand people involved in the production of low-cost clothes. This tragic event, a symbol of what fashion can become when consumption grows out of control, started Fashion Revolution, an international movement founded by Carry Sommers and Orsola de Castro that promotes ethical and sustainable fashion. The mission is to invite people to reflect on the origin of the garments they wear every day and the social conditions of the people who made them with the aim of riding the echo of the fashion industry, to restore dignity to the production chain, creating awareness among consumers, through various educational and popular events and through the hashtag #WhoMadeMyClothes

On Friday 24th April at 6.30 pm, on the online platform Zoom, Fashion Revolution Italia, together with Marina Spadafora, will hold a virtual event on sustainability and fashion ethics. The appointment will begin with the webinar Principles of sustainable fashion and the role of the consumer held by Spadafora, in which the professor will give a Lectio magistralis to help spread the fundamental principles of ecologically and socially aware fashion and to support the consumer in orienting himself among the different aspects of the system. Following this, it will be presented the map of sustainable shopping in Italy, made with a call to action on social media that has collected tips and information about eco-friendly stores or online sites. 

Fashion Revolution wants to be the first step to become aware of what it means to buy a garment, towards a more ethical and sustainable future for the fashion industry, respecting people and the environment - comments Spadafora. Choosing what we buy can create the world we want: each of us has the power to change things for the better and every moment is good to start making it.

In the third and final moment of the event, Marina Spadafora will present La rivoluzione comincia dal tuo armadio, a study on the current state of the fashion industry and the possible options to change it for the better in the future.

To participate in the Fashion Revolution Day, the movement invites consumers to wear a garment backwards, take a photo and put it back on their social platforms by tagging @fash_rev_italia. In this way, you will receive the link and password for the event.