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The Creative Industry Under Quarantine - E07 FRANCESCO RAGAZZI

Palm Angel's founder shares his new daily routine

The Creative Industry Under Quarantine - E07 FRANCESCO RAGAZZI Palm Angel's founder shares his new daily routine
The Creative Industry Under Quarantine - E07 FRANCESCO RAGAZZI Palm Angel's founder shares his new daily routine

Coronavirus is the first shared experience in a globalized world. For almost a month now, the entire world had to give up to the urgency of adopting the extreme measures showed by the so-called "Wuhan model": following the Chinese city, Italy was just the first of many Countries to be afflicted by the spread of the virus. There is no way to predict the consequences, but they will affect us on every level, both humanly and professionally.

Following the first episodes with Gilda Ambrosio and Giorgia Tordini from THE ATTICO, Loris Messina and Simone Rizzo from SUNNEI, NOWFASHION editor-in-chied Gianluca Cantaro, young journalist Cecilia SalaElia from BRAIN DEAD and Illegal Kikko from IUTER, now it's time to listen to Palm Angels's founder Francesco Ragazzi.

#1 Describe your typical quarantine day

In this period I'm sleeping less and reading too much. I already finished every film and show on Netflix. I try to follow online masterclasses, but most of the time my brain seems frozen. We've gone through too many things and we hadn't the time to process them.

#2 Your first thought when you realized that Coronavirus was a real and concrete issue

I was scared: I immediately understood that the entire world wewas going to face something we had never seen before.

#3 The app you're using the most in this period

Whatsapp. It’s on fire.

#4 Your biggest fear and what you miss the most

My biggest fear is for my family, my friends and my team. I'm scared that they could suffer and see other people suffering. I think that the world has finally become one big family. What I miss the most? Simple things, as having breakfast at my usual café before heading to the office or eating a pizza at the restaurant. I think that from now on simple things will become more important to any of us.

#5 The most pleasing surprise of this quarantine

Wine! I'm taking online classes and trying different bottles. I like to taste it thinking about how much time it needs to become perfect, and the works that it takes to produce it. Some wines take 20 years to be ready. In this moment, when everything stand still, thinking about time makes me calm. 

#6 Your soundtrack or the album you've been listening non-stop.

EVERYTHING’S GONNA BE ALRIGHT, the playlist I made on Spotify.

#7 Your tip for creative people who are having trouble with this time of standstill

It's normal: you need to stay calm, or at least to try. Creatives are sensitive to every change - and this one is epochal. We'll wake up one day, when it will all be over, and we'll return to fly. For now, I can only suggest to read and learn new stuff.

#8 Are you already planning your post-quarantine?

I'm trying to take little steps, one by one. I think that the choices we're taking in this particular period will define ourselves in the long-term.