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Streetwear Glossary: the complete guide

Streetwear terminology from A to Z

Streetwear Glossary: the complete guide Streetwear terminology from A to Z
Streetwear Glossary: the complete guide Streetwear terminology from A to Z
Shezi Manezi

Streetwear has changed our life as fashion addicts, from all points of view. The mainstream explosion of streetwear culture has subverted rules, modified approaches essentially revolutionized the market as a whole. Consumers are no longer the aficionados of skate, punk or hip-hop culture, the hype has also upset the identity of those who buy Supreme, Nike, BAPE, Stussy, etc., boys aged 13 to 25 are the most involved and this upheaval has caused the language to change too. A real new terminology of the streetwear world was born which often catches those who want to approach this world unprepared or who, like myself, has a certain age and finds himself catapulted into a tornado made of terms like COP, DEADSTOCK, GRAIL, PROXY, LPU, OG and many others, mostly used in communities on Facebook for example.
So we decided to sort out and put a streetwear glossary from A to Z.


Add to cart service (ATCs): It is a paid service that allows, thanks to the use of bots, having a greater chance to buy an item during the online drop. Virtually the program automatically adds to your cart what you have preset with all the info (size in the case of sneakers, sizes, etc.). Obviously, these types of "tricks" in addition to not being well seen, have a fairly high cost but now, given the desire to own an exclusive sneaker or a Supreme piece, for example, they are very common.



Backdoor: Possibility to buy an item with a lot of hype thanks to the friendship with someone who has the possibility to put the desired object aside for you (shop owners, shop assistants, etc.).

BIN: Acronym of "Buy It Now". Bin is simply the price at which the seller is willing to immediately sell the item being sold.

BNWT/BNWOT: Acronyms of "Brand New With Tags" and "Brand New Without Tags". The first term means that the product being sold is new with a label while the second is that the object is new but without a label. 

Bot: Paid programs that allow you to buy quicker than those who try to do it "by hand". 

BUMP: "Bring Up My Post" acronym. Often abbreviated with B serves to "hold up" a post that is selling or otherwise does not matter.



Clean: "Clean", minimal outfit. Or when a sneaker is as new.

Collab: Collaboration between a designer, an artist or between two brands for the creation of an item or a collection.

Colorway: Combination of colors used for a given sneaker model.

Confirmation: Emails, messages or DM that confirm your purchase.

Clearout: It means "cleaning" and is used when you decide to sell many pieces of your collection often to make room for others.



Dead Stock (DS): Term used when an item for sale (sneaker or clothes in general) has never been worn.


Ebay: The most famous marketplace in the world.



Fake: When an item for sale is docketed as a fake.

Fit: How you dress in an item or sneaker.

Friends & Family (F&F): Is an item, often a sneaker, which is produced in small quantities and a group of people - friends and family in fact. We are talking about a super-limited object that is difficult to find even if you want to spend embarrassing figures. 

FRS: Acronym for "Full Size Run". When a sneaker is available in all sizes.

FT: Acronym for "For Trade" (in exchange).

Flacking: When the buyer withdraws from a sale after giving certainty of the purchase at an agreed price, shipping details, etc.



Grail: Object of desire par excellence. Often difficult to find because it is rare and becomes almost an obsession in the good sense of the term.

Grailed: One of the most important online marketplaces. Here you can almost find everything.



HO: Acronym for "Highest Offer" (maximum bid). 

Hold: A term that is used when a seller chooses to hold a particular item in view of a possible sale in the future when the price has gone up.

HMU: Acronym for "Hit Me Up". It is used to contact a possible buyer, for example, to request information on the item being sold.

HM: Acronym of "How Much" (how much it costs).



In store: Used when referring to a drop or when an item or sneaker is available exclusively by physically going to the store.

IMHO: Acronym for "In My Honest Opinion". It is used when an opinion is expressed in a community context (on Facebook).



L: It stands for "Lose" or when you failed to buy an item. But it is also used when asking for a "Legit Check" on an item to define it Legit (L).

L/C: Acronym for "Legit Check". Used when asking if a garment or sneaker is authentic or not.

LPU: Acronym for "Last Pick Up". It refers to the last purchase made.



Mith: Myth in the true sense of the word. It is used (rarely) instead of Grail.



NIB: Acronym for "New In Box". When a sneaker is DS in its original box. (Rare)

NSW: Acronym for Nike Sportswear.



OBO: Acronym for "Or Best Offer". Used to indicate that the item will go to the highest bidder.



PC: Acronym for "Price Check". It is used by users of a community to get an opinion, from more than one person, on the actual value and price of an item based on the conditions. 

Plug: A person who through his contacts can make you have the object that would otherwise be very difficult to obtain (limited quantities, etc.).

PM: Acronym for "Private Message". 

Pop-Up: Are temporary stores of big brands in the most important cities of the world.


Release: When a particular item is put on the market

Retro: Used when referring to a re-commercialized sneaker, often with some difference compared to the OG version.

Retail: Often referred to the "retail" price of a particular item or sneaker.



SE: Acronym for "Special Edition".

SO: Acronym for "Smallest Offer".

Sold: When an item is sold by a private individual is no longer available. 

Sold Out: Used when an item is no longer available through official sales channels.



Tag: Paper or digital device on which you write your name when you sell an item and post the photos to certify their actual possession

Tracking Number: The tracking number of a shipment. Essential to follow your package in all its movements.


Used: When an object is sold, the conditions are also specified (for example 7/10; 9/10; etc.).



VNDS: Acronym for "Very Near Dead Stock". 



WDYWT: Acronym for "What Did You Wear Today". 

WTB: Acronym for "Want To Buy".



X: It is used for collaborations (for example Nike x OFF-White).