The most bizarre and incredible story behind a Supreme Tee
We are talking about the 2015 "Cry Baby" tee

November 16th, 2018
Let's make it easy, we came across the most improbable and absurd story linked to Supreme.
However, a premise is necessary, do not take what we tell you as cast gold we report only what came out thanks to the Instagram account Supreme Copies, a real archive of all the references and inspirations of the New York brand.
To tell this story we have to go back 48 years, we are in Holland in 1970 and a happy little family decides that the time has come for a nice photo shoot and to take the pictures will be the neighbour with a passion for photography. Among the photographs taken there is a very particular one, different from the others. A close-up of a crying baby, evidently annoyed, scared or simply a little capricious who just didn't want to take the picutre. The result is terrific, a beautiful and at the same time simple photo, and we all know that the real secret of beauty lies in simplicity.
A couple of days ago the Instagram account Supreme Copies put in one of its stories the "Cry Baby" tee of 2015, not expecting in the least what it would later discover. A follower of the page contacts the administrators of the same stating that the girl who cries on the photo tee is his sister and that photo was part of a photo shoot taken by his neighbour in the Netherlands in 1970, also sending photos to support his thesis.
All this time the photos remained in that Dutch house, and no family member remembers the name of the photographer who took those pictures. How Supreme came across that crying baby remains a mystery, it might be that the photographer in question in recent years has been successful, put the photo in his portfolio and then Supreme has used it without crediting but since the brand founded from James Jebbia usually uses archival images or without license, we think it is plausible that whoever took that photo is in the dark about everything, in case he is still alive.
We will continue to follow the story in its eventual developments and we'll keep you updated on other pieces of this rather curious story.