Nike Tech Pack's atelier centered around three main talents as protagonists, the sneaker store One Block Down, the professional football player Federico Bernardeschi, and Italian trap artist Capo Plaza. Who were all paired with a unique creator to realize their customized pieces of Tech Pack apparel, referencing the underlying cryptographic codes that we mentioned in our atelier recap. One Block Down was paired with London based designer Mini Swoosh. Bernardeschi with the stylist Valeria Semushina, and Capo Plaza with the photographer Virginia Arcaro. Each created a completely unique piece designed on the occasion.
One Block Down, with its almost 10 years of history started from zero to become a leading sneaker store in Milan and has been a central part of the streetwear community ever since its inception. Paired with London based designer Mini Swoosh who explores the process of deconstruction and reconstruction in order to extend the life spans of pre-exciting products. OBD's code word was VISION, the breakdown of which you can read about here.
Federico Bernardeschi is an incredible football talent that beyond playing for legendary Italian team Juventus has had his skills carry him all the way to the Italian national team. Bernardeschi was paired with the stylist, Valeria Semushina, who works with many key brands, and an all-around great fashion talent in the Milan community.
Returning to the code the underlies Tech Pack, Bernadeschi took reference in his own tattoos that represent milestones along his way to success and were incorporated into the final jacket designs, as well as the code. With his world being FOCUS, which transcribes to F 15 3 21 19. Nicknamed after the architect Brunelleschi for his calculated playing style, F O 3 21 19 allows him to see the pitch in a way few players can. He once famously turned down an appearance on MTV, so he could F O C 21 19 on his training. His tattoos, each dedicated to a different achievement, allow him to remember his past and F OC U 19 on what’s next. All making F O C U S Bernardeschi’s code word.
When broken down further it references how he literally became obsessed with the football ball itself, before he even understood the game around it. How setting goals to achieve, helped him get to where he is today, and how he plays without distractions, there is only the game when he plays football, nothing else. Though its mixed with a lighthearted mindset, joking and laughing before games is how he prepares himself, and finally, how important team play is, “a single player can influence an entire match, but no team can win without focus.”
Capo Plaza represents a new wave of Italian trap talent, with a keen eye on youthful style and strong connections to the rap scene, he represents the new stars of fashion. Nike has always had a strong connection with athletes, and now that focus is widening to include the rising trap stars as well, as they are the true influencers in today's streetfashion. Capo Plaza together with photographer Virginia Araco created a unique edition of Tech Pack's woven jacket with strong Capo Plaza inspired imagery and referencing his code word which was DREAM. How growing up in Salerno, everyone told him being a rapper was unreasonable, but he never gave up, and now when the kids recognize him is all seems like a bit of a dream to him still. How Trap is often filled with fake messages but truly believing in what you do is key to achieving any success, or that certain negative experiences made him focus more on the person he actually wanted to be. How his ultimate dream is making it to the states and blowing up there as well, being known everywhere from the United States to Zimbabwe.
nss also had the chance to hear the three talents tell in their own words the personal stories of their code, check them out the below:
Federico Bernardeschi
Capo Plaza