Alexander Wang SS19 Ready-to-Wear New York Collection
With a strong Americana feel
June 4th, 2018
At the start of this year Alexander Wang announced that he would be straying from the hard set show schedules of spring and fall, and instead of showing two main collections and two pre-collections per year, he will go to market just twice annually with strategic product drops throughout the year, with a show in June and December to align with the pre-season collections. Last night it was thus time for his first off-season show, named Collection 1 it went down in New York, at the South Street Seaport’s Pier 17, a fitting setting as the show was a homage to his own parent's story of immigrating to America.

The show closed to Childish Gambino‘s critically acclaimed song This is America, which felt like a perfect summary of the show. Check out some of our favorite looks from the show below.