Preserving one's own identity, being able to emerge it, in every situation, in every moment, always.
Achille Lauro and Boss Doms are musicians, composers, producers and DJs but, at the same time, they are not just this. The magic of the mystery that surrounds them increases the interest and, one again with Converse, they experiment a new look, they start a revolution. The perfect weapon? The One Star, unique, but able to evolve with the times, preserving always its unmistakable iconicity.
Vincenzo Schioppa shots the protagonists wrapped in a retro atmosphere, the soft lights, the vintage garments, everything reveal a new side of the artists.
We present you Achille Lauro and Boss Doms as you have never seen them before.

Here you can see the exclusive photos of the latest Achille Lauro & Boss Doms' Midnight Carnival Tour 2018.