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Preppy grunge for Faith Connexion SS18

An explosion of ideas for the Paris-based collective

Preppy grunge for Faith Connexion SS18 An explosion of ideas for the Paris-based collective

Safety in numbers and the Parisian collective Faith Connexion is the proof. 

The brand's SS18 collection is a real explosion of ideas: denim-effect leggings combine with elegant tailor-made jackets, cowboy pants combine with camouflage bomber and sporty sweaters, "gipsy" longdress alternate with leather garments.

From grunge to preppy, from sporty California style to casual, all customized, ripped, deconstructed and scratched like just a crazy creative team knows how to do it. Even the fabrics are the most varied – leather, nylon, cotton, denim just to name a few – while fantasies blend fearlessly into unexpected and original overlays.