Fear of God 5th Collection world premier launch event at Backdoor Bottega
Italian streetstyle kermesse reunited lastest Saturday
April 26th, 2017
Italian streetstyle kermesse reunited lastest Saturday in Bologna (Italy) to celebrate Fear of God 5th Collection world premiere, hosted by renowned retailer Backdoor. The streets of Bologna were crowded of stylish kids and streetwear fans, but some business insiders and of course Jerry Lorenzo and his right-hand man Jeff Lazaro attended the event. A small selected group was allowed to get in the shop before the official opening. That was a way to make it possible for the brand "Firends and Family" to get a closer look at the collection-and eventually buy- in a more relaxed environment, also to speak a few words with the man himself, Jerry. We were among that group of lucky people. Here's what we saw.