H&M Group has announced the launch of the new brand Arket
A timeless and beyond trends brand who will be opened next season in London

March 30th, 2017
It's the big news of today: the H&M Group has announced that will launch a new clothing brand called Arket. It was BoF who revealed the scoop, adding that the new label will be a "modern-day market that will offer essential products for men, women, children and home", According to the company.
The products of the brand will be priced slightly higher than those of H&M, for example, a menswear t-shirt will be sold for €39 to €115.
Ulrika Bernhardtz, Arket's Creative Director di Arket, revealed to BOF some details about the style the new brand will have: "The brand DNA is timeless, crisp, quality and warmth. Timeless is style beyond trend. And crisp is the counterpart to that: to be always relevant, modern and fresh. Quality is not only the feel of garments; it's also how they are produced. Warmth is about being genuine and personal". So, the strength of Arket will be the quality of the product, inspired by a traditional wardrobe, but well-combined with the trends and the needs of today.
Not only clothing. In fact, the store will include also a café inspired by the "new Nordic" cuisine who has the purpose to "make the modern-day market a destination where you can both shop and enjoy healthy food", as Bernhardtz explained.
The opening of the first Arket store is planned in the late summer or early autumn of this year in London and, right after, the brand will be available online in 18 European countries. After the British capital, there will be other stores in Munich, Brussels and Copenhagen, still remaining in Europe because the brand wants to focus here, at least at the beginning.
Fun-fact: what's the meaning of "Arket"? It's the Swedish word to say "sheet of paper".
"It both relates to our origin in the Nordic tradition of functional, long-lasting design and symbolizes the blank sheet, the sense of optimism and possibility we felt creating this new brand,very-good",
Bernhardtz said, confirming that the company wants to create very good product who will last.