Cara Delevingne becomes a cartoon for Chanel's new short film
Homage to Gabrielle Chanel

March 14th, 2017
For the advertising campaign of the new Chanel bag dedicated to the fashion house's founder, Karl Lagerfeld has chosen four muses, each star of a fashion film and a shoot. For this project, Kristen Stewart, directed by Daniel Askill, will meet the spirit of Madame Gabrielle; Caroline de Maigret for Olivier Assayas will embody the supreme Parisienne in Haussmann apartment; Pharrell Williams, shot by Antoine Carlier, fill an empty concert hall; while the Japanese director Yamazaki Shishi turn Cara Delevingne in a cartoon pop for a short film with rotoscoping. All videos will be entirely visible from April 3, but in the meantime, you can enjoy the picturesque trailers, especially the one with the blond model skate in cartoon version!
One curiosity: the young top is about to publish her first novel "Mirror, Mirror", about a group of teenagers to discover themselves.