The hidden meaning of Kim Kardashian's new retro aesthetic
Personal re branding or new frontiers?
March 9th, 2017
Now that some months have passed since Kim Kardashian was back on socials, it's the right moment to make some comments about it.
It's clear to all that Kim Kardashian is no longer who she used to be. After the drama she faced in Paris last October and the resulting quitting of every social and public events, Kim is back to post images online with a new, unexpected strategy. Goodbye sexy poses, ostentatious luxury and selfies in the mirror (the last one on Instagram dates from about five months ago), Kim Kardashian is offering us a new, and previously unknown, image of herself, that of mother, wife and business woman who doesn't flaunt her success. Everything is presented with vintage grainy filters who recall the old analog photos or the Fujifilm Instax (who are back in fashion recently) like she wants to give more authenticity and intimacy to her shots.
"It’s how I imagine Angelina Jolie’s Instagram would look if she had it (...) Her new presence gives off a retro and confident vibe, with a lot less flesh and a lot more class",
said Jodie Cook, social media specialist and owner of JC Social Media, said, adding that. It's a kind of re-brand of her image, no longer provocative Web star, but a business woman and a happy mother. Furthermore, the choice of this specific new photographic aesthetic makes images like they were timeless iconic-photos, old pictures from archive who were dusted off for the best interest of people and designed to stay in the collective memory.
"I wouldn’t be surprised if Instagram released their own ‘Kim Kardashian filter',
which makes all your images look like that” Cook said, “Or if not Instagram, a side app that Instagram go on to buy".
Even Chris Callaway, a New York-based photographer who uses an analogic camera, noticed the importance of the new filter on Kim's Instagram. He comments: "In the psychology of using film to send a message, what she’s doing is interesting. It’s showing this wholesome image of a mom in these nostalgic filters" and he adds
"There’s nothing effortless about what she’s doing, and in trying to look effortless, it looks sort of forced".
So, if this new, genuine image of the Miss West is real or just a carefully worded strategy of personal branding, it's up to you to decide it. What is certain is that Kim Kardashian still continues to buzz the Web, whatever she does - even being a mother.