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Lamia Lagha

Paris, France


Creative Director / Consulting

Paris, France


How are you living the quarantine: fears and dreams?

I think very well compared to many other places in the World. I’m currently in my apartment in Paris. My family lives in Germany. It’s definitely a surreal situation we are living but I have to say that for me personally it has been very helpful to be forced to take a break and to give myself time to see where I’m in my life and how I feel. I think people are often very scared to take breaks. Doesn’t matter in which form. Especially in these days where everything is so fast. Everyone is afraid to be forgotten but at the same time, we lose ourselves. This quarantine also made me realise who’s very present in my life. 

My dreams are to be able to spend more time with the ones I love. To hug them and to kiss them. To have more time to be creative and to express myself and also to build an even stronger awareness on how to respect our World and others doesn’t matter which races, gender or believes they have, we have to be more united. This Virus showed us we are all the same.


What is your soundtrack?

Sade is it a Crime / Jeff Buckley Lover you should’ve come over / Fleetwood Mac Dreams / Mina Nessuno / Falco Rock Me Amadeus/ Christophe Les Mont Bleus/ Fairouz Sa’altak Habibi and lots of Cinematic music like Hans Zimmer, it’s very relaxing.