Vittoria Pietropoli
Milan, Italy
Senior Brand Manager
Milan, Italy
How are you living the quarantine: fears and dreams?
I am spending this new time to connect more with people that I love, working on myself through meditation and reading, home workout to strengthen my core and taking time for my family. I don’t want to focus on my fear, I am trying to live day by day with a positive attitude and when I am feeling down I pamper myself with things that I love. My wish is that at the end of this hard time we will find a new way to live and act, more connected with our natural inclination as a human being, to be able to face the future with more empathy. This uncertain time is helping me to work on my insecurity, to embrace it to grow even more.
What is your soundtrack?
My personal playlist OK on my Spotify account with my favourite songs, it’s the perfect soundtrack to everyday life, especially when I don’t want to take any decision.