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Ksenia Chilingarova

Moscow, Russia


Fashion journalist and co-owner of winter clothing brand Arctic Explorer 

Moscow, Russia 


How are you living the quarantine: fears and dreams?

The most difficult thing for me is to stay locked. That's a lot of pressure. Despite the fact I have a dog and can go out, it still can't be compared to what it used to be. And when you feel helpless and lack of freedom, you have to understand that freedom is really inside of us. Our imagination can help a lot: even going to the balcony I can imagine myself soaring in the sunlight in the warm southern country. In general, many people now make online tours of museums, different cities and countries – yes, it's virtual,  but you can set yourself up and visit in one day! For example, I want to go to Vienna because I've recently studied Art Nouveau and Klimt's works. So I continue my virtual walks, which I believe will become reality very soon. I am also dreaming a lot of seeing again my boyfriend who is now blocked in Italy. Can only imagine how much I’m gonna kiss him when I finally see him.