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Simone Noa Hedal

Copenhagen, Denmark


Artist and working with PR in the fashion industry

Copenhagen, Denmark 


How are you living the quarantine: fears and dreams? 

It’s such a surreal situation we’re living in, many have lost family members and it has been a hard time for the entire world and society. I’m doing my best to social distancing and especially to keep distance to the older generation. I really miss my family, but I’m trying to look at the bright side. The environment is finally getting a break from all the poison the humanity spreads every single day, I hope it can save nature and let our planet breath for a while! One more positive side of the situation is that I’m now able to spend time on things I can’t find time for in my busy everyday life. My boyfriend and I are finally able to spend time together. We rarely see each other since both of us are all booked from Monday- Saturday every single week. I have more time for long walks and to explore new parts of Copenhagen (we’re still allowed to go outside) and I have more time to focus on my art and to learn how to relax, which I’m very bad at doing. I love good food and the quarantine lifestyle makes it possible to try out new recipes and to spend time on making delicious dishes. Even though I’m trying to accept the situation, I really hope that everything will turn back to normal very soon. It’s hard not to be able to see all my friends and family and I miss meeting and hugging people!! 


What is your soundtrack? 

Nu Guinea - Je Vulesse