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Bonne Reijn

Amsterdam, The Netherlands


Bonne suits brand, Zeedijk 60 store and Gallery de schans owner

Amsterdam, The Netherlands


How are you living the quarantine: fears and dreams?

Well, I must say these last weeks have been kind of hard on me. I really don’t want to sound like a drag but seeing the store (zeedijk 60) close and not being able to have people over and cancel all my planned shows at my gallery in Amsterdam has given me a psychological kick in the nuts and face. Just before shit hit the face I got a puppy so taking care of him is keeping me moving and sane but I'm really scared but also interested to see how life for me and for everyone else is going to continue. I do find a lot of solace in the fact that while writing this I have a roof over my head in the city I love the most and I can cuddle my dog and have nice roommates to drink and laugh with. So I should not whine too much but this is a weird weird time for sure. Lots of love, affection and kisses from Amsterdam!


What is your soundtrack?

Blues for a hip king - Abdullah Ibrahim (was supposed to see him play in Germany but it's cancelled because of the coronavirus).