Sasha Jiang
Shanghai, China
Vice President – Strategy & Business Development of INNERSECT
Shanghai, China
How are you living the quarantine: fears and dreams?
I’ve been working at home in Shanghai for almost one month after getting back from FW20 fashion markets, safely at home and keeping spirits up. Not much fear by seeing our local government efficient actions really works. We always promote, support and foster young talents and their business development in Asia. And it’s also my personal dreams to help those lovely creators to survive a better commercially sustainable business. It’s the fact that most of them are now fighting to compete in this fashion world dominated by big brands, even in normal circumstances, margins are tight and cashflow is problematic.
We are trying our best to keep the original orders given the fact that most all of the retailers are cancelling them without any further notice. To get it back to normal sales conditions is barely impossible globally, but I will definitely make sure to try my best.
What is your soundtrack?
Expressing What Matters by Disclosure
Infinity by Digitalism
My Only Chance (My time is Now) by The Txic Avenger
Vanilla by Sunset Rollercroaster
Luminous Beings by Jon Hopkins