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Gonnie Garko

Toronto, Ontario, Canada


Dj / model

Toronto, Ontario, Canada


How are you living the quarantine? Fears and dreams?

I’ve been going to bed at 6 am and waking between 2-6 pm for the last week. My skin is getting better and I’m losing weight. I’m much healthier now that I’m not out working and drinking, or eating out. I’ve been playing a lot of video games, it’s like every 4 days I get into something but then I need a break. It was music at first then movies then tv now video games going back to music. The cycle is ok, sometimes balanced -as every day has music in it at some point or tv. I’m not any more or any less social than I was before. I talk to the same people, I ignore a lot of people -for the sake of my sanity. I miss being outside and seeing friends when DJing but I’ve never been one that’s constantly on my phone talking to people, even when I’m home. I’m afraid of how the world will be once this is over, and I’m afraid that this will last a very long time. I’m also afraid of my grandparents getting it, or any loved ones.  I am also slightly afraid of everything. My hopes for this is I will come out educated in things that I’ve been wanting to learn. I hope to gain more experience as I have time to practice mixing at home. I hope this time allows a better bond to form between my family and me, it’s been different -I had been very busy pre quarantine. I also wish I was in Jamaica right now, because I definitely would’ve been somewhere hot I’ve needed an escape from here since January. 

What is your soundtrack?

Minnie Riperton, Brent Faiyaz, Bad Bunny and the Big Little Lies theme song.