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Young Emperors

New York, New York

Isabelle Chaput & Nelson Tiberghien

@young_emperors / @cesarlovealexandre

Directors, photographers, creative directors, content creators 

New York, New York


How are you living the quarantine? Fears and dreams?

On a personal level, being quarantined is something we are ok with so far, as we have been together 24/7 for five years already, living and working together, and we are used to spending time home due to our job. Also, as we know why we are doing this, it is not a difficult sacrifice, since the reward is saving lives by just staying home. Of course with the current situation, we have our worries and on the emotional level however, we are very sad about the situation and worried about the future. We are particularly worried about our parents in France, as we are expatriates and far away from them. We hope for the future that when the pandemic is over, humanity will keep thinking about the other, and that positive action towards each other will be more present in our daily life. We also hope that together, we will take action for the climate and our general relationship with nature and resources. 

What is your soundtrack?

Alizee - Gourmandises.