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Karla Laidlaw

Melbourne, Australia



Melbourne, Australia


How are you living the quarantine: fears and dreams?

Fear for the present, but I also fear for the future. This pandemic and shut down of how our society has been running for many years, has shown us that the human race is not prepared at all for global warming. Not much has changed for me in terms of my work methods, my work is already isolated in nature as I am often solo in my studio at home. I fear for the people's mental health throughout this pandemic, there's a lot at risk for everyone. A positive amongst all the heartache is that this has given the planet a chance to breathe, to regenerate. My hope is that when we are past this, peoples behaviour/consumption changes for the better. To discover what truly matters, and live without the clutter and overconsumption. “They say difficult times are fertile grounds for extreme outbursts of fantasy” For when life returns back to normal, I dream that consumers choose to purchase sustainably and locally. For artisans to thrive again. 

What is your soundtrack?
