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Milo Black

London, United Kingdom



London, United Kingdom


How are you living the quarantine? Fears and dreams?

I was anxious a couple of weeks ago because of the sheer amount of information I was receiving every day, but I deleted news apps and Twitter to keep the noise away. A positive to this situation is that I am thinking about my photography a lot. Getting a studio and learning more about lighting. I would usually make excuses that I was too busy but now there’s no hiding from getting your shit together. I can also now do 10 press-ups which I’m happy about. 

What is your soundtrack?

I’ve played Benji B’s AloneTogether mix for Dazed about 5 times. I’m trying to explore more new music so a lot of mixes that I can put on in the background while I work or play video games. More specifically, Moses Boyd and Jay Electronica’s new project, too.