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François Morice

Nantes, France

Co-founder of 5PM Store

Nantes, France


How are you living the quarantine: fears and dreams?

This lockdown is a bit of a fertile ground for creativity even if it’s a tough time to see our global society so fragile. In this period of truth, we have to take advantage of the crisis to think about the world of tomorrow. We can spend some time to get more samples, work around them and push forward collaborations and in-house projects. Now we have the time to jump on Skype! 5PM Store spirit is about people and raw reality it can be an exciting quarantine to develop business consciousness and new ideas.


What is your soundtrack?

Blue World by John Coltrane;

Aguanile by Hector Lavoe;

Lose by aftertheparty;

Heat - GOLD by Le Mav & Tay Iwar.

Btw, we have the time to produce another 5PM mixtape