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A Guide to All Creative Directors

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A Guide to All Creative Directors

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A Guide to All Creative Directors

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Lena Pogrebnaya

Bodrum, Turkey



Bodrum, Turkey


How are you living the quarantine? Fears and dreams?

I live on the Aegean coast of Turkey, in Bodrum. The previously typical Mediterranean touristic town looks odd now. Entire world experiencing this atmosphere, and it is one of few things I enjoy during quarantine for now. In general, I feel paralyzed, it caused by many factors from the change of basic routine to the impossibility to finish my photography and architecture projects. Actually, the word impossibility perfectly describes our past, as we are on the threshold of new “before and after virus” era, and as our world is dual two antagonisms always goes side by side, therefore possibility is our future. In between we have reality, this quarantine is a transition to the new world, time to let go old and find new inspirations and hopes. Living in the age of change is always tough, especially now due to virus we have plenty of free time, which most people use to watch media, think and overthink. Everyone surrounded themselves with all sorts of information sources, broadcasting 27/7 predictions and mostly without any rainbow on the horizon. All future scenarios we create in our heads now, never help this transition but generate fear, panic and anxiety. From the perspective of the history of humanity this situation is not unique, nor from the pandemic side, neither from the political and financial crisis. It doesn’t mean we don’t need to take it seriously, but responsibly and methodically go through it without this polar options such as not caring at all and spreading the virus or locked down at home wearing mask. Originally I am Ukrainian, and we are veterans of disasters and crises) not, of course, this scale but for individual it feels the same doesn’t matter is happening in your town, county or in the entire world. With time I figured out how to handle it by putting blocks in my head to some sorts of emotions during these periods and to the sources which create them. After, I start fighting with frustration by searching for new opportunities to create. They can be temporary, but help to push your mental boundaries and inspire for something new. Now I’m redirecting my creative flow into cooking since it’s started occupying quite a big part of our daily life, I returned to my paintings which couldn’t finish for many months, every day I find new and new inspirations. I am lucky, I live in a tiny house with a small garden and rooftop, so I will find plenty of things to create. I know that many people are struggling with lack of motivation now, it is a normal condition for human beings, whose nature is to think and plan at least the nearest future which seams pretty pointless now, but we need to defeat this paralysis, in order to stay sane. Everything passes, and we need to get through these current and future challenges with a spotless mind. Sooner or later we will hug, kiss and love each other again, and truly enjoy our old daily rituals which might be together with some new ones. Let’s just hope it will come sooner.

What is your soundtrack?
