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Elena Colombi

Amsterdam, The Netherlands


DJ / Label owner

Amsterdam, The Netherlands


How are you living the quarantine? Fears and dreams?

This is a very important time to reassess priorities, rethink the system and our habits, stay connected and really support each other. At this stage no one knows how long it will take to successfully fight the virus, it might be quite some time. The forced isolation and physical distancing provide new angles to many things that were taken for granted before and now deserve more attention. The beauty of simpler things, a slower pace. The self-employed and companies alike will have to get creative in terms of getting some sort of income to stay afloat. I'm sure many good initiatives will start under these exceptional circumstances. I also wish the media wasn't giving mixed information about the virus: people are tested and cured in some countries but not in others, there's confusion about whether or not people who do contract the virus get immune and the statistics are far from accurate. More clarity would help even the sceptics who are still living an almost normal life, ignoring what is good for others...Ultimately I wonder how long it will take before physical contact becomes part of our everyday life again - I really miss hugging!

What is your soundtrack?

This week I’ve been listening non stop to the new Free Range LP, coming out later this year on my label Osàre Editions (IG @osare.editions ). No previews online just yet! You can listen to the other two existing releases here



Cover Photo by Elena Alaimo