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Ida Broen

Oslo, Norway


PR & creative consultant + influencer

Oslo, Norway


How are you living the quarantine? Fears and dreams?

This is the time where we all need to do a collective effort in saving the world. It's important to remember that everything is temporary. Now we have time to do everything we usually never have time to do. Clean your closet. Clean your sneakers. Get rid of stuff you don’t need. Donate or sell to someone who needs it more. Make that website you always wanted. Tumblr with inspiration. Boards on Pinterest. Make a TikTok? Nah. Go through your email – systematize it. Make plans for the future. What I'm doing right now is making my 2020 strategy which I do every year. But this year I've been too lazy – so it came just in time. I always make smaller goals and bigger goals - so I always have something to reach and work against. I always make a list of brands and people I want to work with –and be creative with. This is the time to dream big and make plans for the future. I always fear to miss out of something. For me, this is quarantine is very important for my own health. My friends know I hate to relax (believe it or not). I always have something to do and I'm always on the run. But now I don’t have many choices, so hopefully, this can teach me to take more time for myself. (And that its okay to watch movies two days straight). Especially important in this industry – to allow yourself to have a day off! This too shall all pass. But in the meantime: Wash your hands. Stay home. Call your grandparents. Call your mom and dad. Be thankful for what you have and what you achieved so far. Tomorrow is unknown, and life has no guarantees. Let's make the best out of this quarantine – be positive and remember: this will change us and the world forever – to something better.  

What is your soundtrack?

Can't choose. Here's my whole Spotify playlist.