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Carmen Barceló

Alicante, Spain


Fashion designer and stylist

Alicante, Spain


How are you living the quarantine? Fears and dreams?

I'm trying to keep on going with my thesis final collection, trying to stay positive and spending my time creating, working and experimenting. One of my fears right now is not being able to finish my degree, because I have been working a lot in my collection and I want to show to the world what I am able to do. As a young designer, I am afraid of how I am going to make a space into the industry and what is going to be next, because things for sure are going to change. This is also an opportunity for us because we are the new generation of creatives and that means that, we have the chance to make this in a different way. 

What is your soundtrack?

Daft Punk, The Cure, The Of Tape Vol 2 by OddFuture.