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Theodoros Gennitsakis

Paris, France

@theodoros_pressure / @pressureculture

Art Director

Paris, France


How are you living the quarantine: fears and dreams?

It’s a strange feeling… actually I feel ok with having time for me and having time to develop myself and my projects without having this social pressure or this “missing something mood”. I feel that this quarantine will give to people more answers about themselves and will help us to develop more our personality without all this material. Simplicity is the key. It’s also very important to stay inside to help this virus pass… If its not for you do it for the others. Respect the rules. I don’t have fears for the moment but I have dreams. 


What is your soundtrack?

I don’t have any soundtrack recommendation but if I have to give a vibe to what kind of music im listening right now or what kind of music can describe this situation I will say that you can use any music you can find in a airplane the moment you waiting before to takeoff.