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Vito Fernicola

Paris, France



Paris, France


How are you living the quarantine: fears and dreams?

I’ve tried to set up a structure for my day - but it didn’t work. I check the news - but not too much. I’m trying to look at all those photo books that I bought during my trips and never had time to check, making mood boards for future shoots (that are hopefully going to happen not too late in the future) and doing visual research. EATING! Maybe too much? Listening to music. Playing videogames - a lot.

Dreams and Fears? I dream of seeing an end to all this very soon, to go back to our reality - I fear all the people who still don’t seem to get the massive importance of what's going on in the world right now. Hopefully, people will get it soon - and we won’t have to pay the huge consequences of underestimating the situation... It's really scary. I hope that, after this, we will all be able to go back to our lives with a richer spiritual life, as we have learnt to appreciate what we used to take for granted. What we all have to remember is that we are not alone. Everything will be OK. Tutto andrà bene. Tout ira bien.


What is your soundtrack?

The End of the World by Skeeter Davis.