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Cheyenne Tulsa

Berlin, Germany


model, influencer, video producer 

Berlin, Germany


How are you living the quarantine: fears and dreams?

I’m at home pretty much everyday-all day which is a huge change for me to get use too. I try to stay active at home and keep in touch with friends and family as much as I can so I don’t lose my mind. I’ve been cooking (and drinking wine) a lot more, finishing books I’ve left a bookmark for while and starting movies I’ve wanted to see. I also have the time now to study german (because my german sucks) and continue to plan some projects so I have something to work on and look forward too when life comes alive again. I fear this situation has no knowing when it will end so I dream there will be an end to this soon and that no one was ever effected.


What is your soundtrack?

Konichiwa by Donny Benét