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Emmanuel Lawal

London, United Kingdom


Music producer / Dj

London, United Kingdom


How are you living the quarantine? Fears and dreams?

So far so good! My day’s consist of waking up just after the sun rises. I squeeze some lemon into warm water and fix myself breakfast. I’m making sure I work out every single day, some days twice - I can’t stop skipping! After showering, I’m either at my desk on my laptop working on music or catching up with loved ones on my sofa via FaceTime. Just like many of us, my fear is the uncertainty, not knowing when this will all end. However, it’s been beautiful to see people helping one another in this time of need. I’m dreaming (literally) of travelling, meeting new people, playing music and hugging my family and friends. If there’s one thing I’ve learnt in life, dreams do come true.

What is your soundtrack?

Roy Ayers Ubiquity - Everybody Loves The Sunshine