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Massimo Iannone

Berlin, Germany

@sizetenplease / @massimo.taylor

Solebox Store Manager

Berlin, Germany


How are you living the quarantine: fears and dreams?

Actually, my life didn’t change a lot in terms of nutrition and other daily habits while my quarantine at home. I’m still doing my regular home workout and go for a run twice a week, I have the two cats I have to take care of, I have a lot of contact to my family and closest circle every single day, I cook a lot .. there are endless lists with opportunities and activations that I can do in that period. I was always a person who’s thinking about a lot of stuff over a day - except fears and dreams.

Thinking about fears doesn’t make our quarantine easier - thinking about plans and how to execute them makes us stronger than before. Instead of thinking about my fears, I’m thinking about how to avoid them. At the end of the day, we all know that to be a free human is the most valuable privilege what we have in life. Social distancing isn’t easy at all for us. I enjoy a lot of things in life, but there is no better feeling than sitting at the table close to your family and the ones that you love or just have a conversation face to face or having dinner and flooding through the city - I’m talking about physical contact to each other. I’m pretty sure that most of the people appreciate life more than before. Use the time to reflect your life.


What is your soundtrack?

That’s a tough decision .. I listen to a lot of music, easily 16 hours a day. I try to listen from every genre a bit - here are my “I need this 5 times a day” songs.

Jay Electronica - Fruits Of The Spirits 

MF DOOM - Absolutely 

Nina Simone - Baltimore