Magdalena Wimmer
IED Barcelona
Fashion Marketing & Communication, Year 1
24 years old
Barcelona, Spain
Schools have been among the first institutions to adapt to the new measures of quarantine. What are the pros and cons of online classes?
I definitely missed talking to my friends from university and having break together the most. I believe that one disadvantage is the interaction between students or the conversations with professors. Even though, my University managed to build a whole virtual classroom within one week only, the experience was not the same. For our last semester, we had some visits planned but due to the lockdown we were not able to attend any of them.
Nevertheless, the online classes helped to have a daily routine and to stay organized during the quarantine. The virtual classes offered a lot of possibilities in terms of teaching and sharing. And you could listen to the classes over and over again – just like a podcast. I think that we all made the best out of it.
The Fashion and Design Industries have been aggressively afflicted by the COVID-19 emergency. As a consumer, but also as a future insider of those systems, what will be the worst consequences of this crisis?
First of all I believe that there will be an upcoming financial crisis and I believe that consumers will shop less. Nevertheless, now it is the moment to focus on e-commerce and make your business available for anyone. Some customers might feel uncomfortable in physical shops and therefore online shopping is gaining a lot of interest. I personally believe that the fashion industry should learn from the pandemic. Maybe we should go back to a former system within the business (focusing more on local productions - #supportyourlocals, less outsourcing, e.g. all the productions in China,…). Consumers might have changed their opinion on certain aspects and do respect more. All in all, the pandemic also changed some things positively, like the canal’s water in Venice or the air pollution in China. The pandemic showed consumers some significant changes and it is possible that mass consumption will start to decrease.
Your work is built on creativity. Where do you find your inspiration in this moment?
I think that creativity or inspiration can be found in many aspects – a good conversation can be inspiring too, for example. Due to what I have seen on Instagram & Co., people started to become more creative during the quarantine. People from my neighborhood started to play the piano and make a gratis concert for all the neighbors, others started to learn how to sew, etc. I think that when you have a lot of time and maybe nothing to do, you must become creative. I usually get a lot of inspiration from Instagram and Pinterest. These are my prime sources when it comes to inspiration and creativity. I really enjoy cooking and during the lockdown I finally had more time for it.