Gabriele Babazzi
IED Firenze
22 years old
Florence, Italy
Schools have been among the first institutions to adapt to the new measures of quarantine. What are the pros and cons of online classes?
IED managed to re-organize its classes very well, and in a short time, with a very effective and easy system to not make us loose any lesson, and I'm so grateful for that. The only con is that the hours of school and the amount of home works have not been reduced, so it is not easy to sit all day long in front of a screen with your eyes straight on your computer. I dare to say that before this pandemic I had much more time to do my stuff then now that I'm forced to stay at home.
The Fashion and Design Industries have been aggressively afflicted by the COVID-19 emergency. As a consumer, but also as a future insider of those systems, what will be the worst consequences of this crisis?
Of course, online shopping is not that easy for everyone, it is alway better to see a product on real life and still today, despite this situation, I don't trust e-shop very much. This is why all the workers and professionals in the fashion industry should open much more to the digital world, and consumers must do the same.
Your work is built on creativity. Where do you find your inspiration in this moment?
On the first place there are social medias, in particular I've used a lot Instagram and Pinterest, where I can find thousands of images of any kind: furniture, design, places, architectures, fabrics, arts, fashion and everything that makes me feel inspired! Magazines and books share their slice of cake, too.