Beatrice Landini, Selene Casiraghi
IED Roma
Master in Exhibit Design
23 years old
Biella/Monza, Italy
Schools have been among the first institutions to adapt to the new measures of quarantine. What are the pros and cons of online classes?
At first, we were a little confused by this change of methods. But our teachers never stopped listening to us, as well as all the staff from IED. They supported us, even psychologically, and they were always helpful in understanding our needs. Online classes have some cons, for sure, for example the lack of a direct confrontation, but our work is to project: we live to find new solutions behind the regular thinking. In this particular occasion, we will find the way to take a problem and turn it into an opportunity.
The Fashion and Design Industries have been aggressively afflicted by the COVID-19 emergency. As a consumer, but also as a future insider of those systems, what will be the worst consequences of this crisis?
In our opinion, the biggest consequences will afflict who will not be able to keep up with our times. We need to be visionary. For many industries, this could be the moment to start again and learn how to grow.
Your work is built on creativity. Where do you find your inspiration in this moment?
We are lucky because we are surrounded by creatives, with whom we can confront on a daily basis and always find new hints. Furthermore IED, as many other realities in the world of art and design, offered us many inspirational and interesting initiatives about teaching, many lessons and extra-curricular meetings about any subject.