Olya Stoyanova
IED Milano
Sandanski, Bulgaria
How has your everyday-life changed? What do you do to fulfill your day?
My everyday-life has changed completely. I went back to my county of origin, Bulgaria, as soon as university closures were announced because my parents were afraid for me to stay in Milan. I fulfill my days with work for the university, research and investigation of subjects I have always been interested in and spending time with my family. As creative work needs many hours of work, time flies. For me in the beginning it was hard to get used to this unprecedented moment in my life and to have inspiration for my work, but with each week I am trying to understand myself more and to obtain a more positive attitude.
Your work is built on creativity. While we’re all in quarantine, what is your solution to keep on being creative? Where do you find your inspiration in this moment?
In these quarantine months, I am in a constant search for inspiration. It is hard to create and keep being inspired in such turbulent moments. Listening to music, watching movies, doing research for projects and learning about subjects I didn’t have time before is always keeping my spirit up and refreshing my mind from the reality. I am lucky to be with my family so I am trying to enjoy and appreciate it.
What is your biggest fear right now?
My biggest fear is what the world will be like when we can leave our homes. How are we going to connect and relate to each other as human beings? Am I going to be a danger for my beloved ones? During my whole life I was imagining my dreams to become true in a certain society which seems to be already in the past. But now is a time of a change which will strongly influence us for the upcoming years.
What will you do once all of this is over?
I will hug and kiss my relatives and friends.