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Lisa Lambertini

IED Milano


23 years old

Riccione, Italy


How has your everyday-life changed? What do you do to fulfill your day?

My life radically changed with the start of the quarantine: I went from super-busy and frenetic days to be more calm and "private", if I can say it like that. Basically, my day now is scheduled on my work.


Your work is built on creativity. While we’re all in quarantine, what is your solution to keep on being creative? Where do you find your inspiration in this moment?

Never stop being curious: being at home deprives us of the physical pleasure of discovery, but it doesn't stop us from searching for new hints.


What is your biggest fear right now?

My professional future, of course. This situation came unexpected and we need to reinvent ourselves quickly, to keep up with all the new changes that our industry will live. I am scared and inspired at the same time.


What will you do once all of this is over?

Of course, in the bad and in the good times there is always a future. I think that right know, also because we are all stopped, our minds have never been so projected to the future.