Giulia Gravina
IED Milano
19 years old
Lonate Pozzolo (Varese), Italy
How has your everyday-life changed? What do you do to fulfill your day?
The only thing that really changed in my days is the way I take my classes: they are online, now, and not in class. Actually, I appreciate the fact that I don't have to spend hours on the public services to reach school. The lockdown to me is identical to most of my summers... To spend the day, I use to read on the balcony, or to cook with my father.
Your work is built on creativity. While we’re all in quarantine, what is your solution to keep on being creative? Where do you find your inspiration in this moment?
Honestly, I don't think to be that much a creative. I think that the most part of the result of any project comes from studying and analysis. For what I concern, the best way to enter a mental space that makes me work well and with awareness, is to schedule my time. Plus, I need to dedicate some moments to rest and have fun.
What is your biggest fear right now?
I could say that I am scared by the uncertainty and the complete lack of future perspectives, but honestly I think that I worry most about the health of my dearests. I don't even think that our society will radically change: we will face a hard economical time but we will get through.
What will you do once all of this is over?
I find it very interesting to think about the post-Coronavirus future, to think to what will happen in the next months and years, but honestly I think that any idea would be founded on uncertainty, so I prefer to not pretend to know what is coming next.