Greta Pennacchini
21 years old
Riccione, Italy
How has your everyday-life changed? What do you do to fulfill your day?
My daily life, like everyone else's, was turned upside down. As an off-site student I was out all day to attend classes, work with my classmates, run errands, go out with friends. Obviously without social interactions, that represents most of everyday life, life changes completely. I think everyone at the beginning and perhaps a little bit more now felt lost, without a purpose or a well-defined future, nobody expected or was ready for what happened. So everyone has adapted as they could to this unprecedented situation. In my case, luckily I was able to go home to my family, just before the start of the lockdown and this contributes to create a fictitious aura of normality that is no small thing, given the psychological consequences that the quarantine will bring. During the day I participate in online lessons, I work on university projects and try to distract myself by reading books, watching movies or TV series, shopping online, spending more time with my family. I'm trying to take advantage of this time, to learn more, to find out about topics that may help me in the future. I see this moment of quarantine as an opportunity instead of a disadvantage and I find a form of self-care in being at home and in isolation.
Your work is built on creativity. While we’re all in quarantine, what is your solution to keep on being creative? Where do you find your inspiration in this moment?
In this moment without hints I found myself in difficulty from the creative point of view, unfortunately I have not yet found a general solution but I think it depends on what everyone is inspired by. In my case it helped me to watch old films, documentaries or read great classics, and above all to have a playlist with songs that are in harmony with the mood of the project. Honestly, however, I think that all this must be dealt with naturally, without any effort to necessarily produce something. I find it counterproductive to constantly strive to be creative, sometimes you have to listen and stop before starting again.
What is your biggest fear right now?
Certainly my thoughts turn to the future and the uncertainty it entails: what to do when all this is over and we must return to normal and how it will be affected, in all respects. For the moment I try not to think about it, you cannot predict what will happen and how it will be managed.
What will you do once all of this is over?
I try not to do it, you cannot predict what will happen and how it will be managed and although the data is not positive. I am convinced that from dramatic situations like these, new opportunities arise and for the moment I can only hope.