Alexandra Bucur
23 years old
Florence, Italy
How has your everyday-life changed? What do you do to fulfill your day?
I cannot say that my daily life has changed dramatically, because in general, apart from going out, I did the same things. Other than that, I think this period has given me one very important thing: the opportunity to find time to be with myself, and no one else, and to get to know me better. This is an important thing, because our busy life makes us forget about it. I think even after the quarantine on my agenda I will add time for myself. I try to occupy my time by creating my collection, which I hope to be able to create soon. I'm cooking a lot :), I watch movies, I make aperitifs online with my friends and I also take care of gardening, I like being in contact with nature, and hearing the voice of nature stronger than ever in this period.
Your work is built on creativity. While we’re all in quarantine, what is your solution to keep on being creative? Where do you find your inspiration in this moment?
The best solution is to stay informed, not to stop observing what surrounds us and to remain positive. My ideas for now I don't know what they are but for sure they will materialize in the future.
What is your biggest fear right now?
My biggest fear is that this situation gets longer than necessary and that something bad comes out since many people hide many things. Of justice by citizens if the promises of the government are not respected. I am scared by the world, also as soon as everything will be over. But I am transforming this fear of mine into a positive thought. I hope for solidarity between people and more understanding. I hope that the whole period will ultimately influence the whole system in a positive way.
What will you do once all of this is over?
For now, I hope for a big rise by the whole society and a big revolution in all sectors.