Camilla Bocchi
Università Bocconi
21 years old
London, United Kingdom
How has your everyday-life changed? What do you do to fulfill your day?
My everyday life has changed dramatically. I was supposed to leave on a four-month exchange to Tokyo and had been revolving my schedule completely around this trip. Besides the fact that I was supposed to be in another continent right now, I am a very active person, and usually occupy my days by running around the city seeing friends/visiting hidden corners. So the past month has really been about refocusing my priorities and adapting my schedule to the inside of my house. I try to keep a balance between work and pleasure, so my days consist in trying to graduate uni, exploring new creative platforms and trying to detach from the moment – reading, movies, lots of research online in the art world.
Your work is built on creativity. While we’re all in quarantine, what is your solution to keep on being creative? Where do you find your inspiration in this moment?
Despite my usual critiques of social media, primarily in the fact that we are overfed with information which makes it hard to focus or filter relevant things, I have been trying to use it to my advantage. By carefully selecting the people I follow (no celebrities/influencers) it has allowed me to hear the ideas and opinions of creatives that I probably wouldn’t have been exposed to before. This being said, I think off-screen activities are also very important to develop ones creativity, so I’m trying to spend more time reading and painting.
What is your biggest fear right now?
I fear the uncertainty of the future. I’m generally not one with many ‘fears’ as I usually handle problems as they come along, but these times have generated more stress due to my difficulty in planning ahead and visualizing where I’ll be in a few months.
What will you do once all of this is over?
Go on a road trip around the south of Italy with my boyfriend. I’ve spent every summer since I was a kid in the south. It’s so detached and the people are so positive, it’s a different world.