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Coco wears full look Valentino

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Coco wears full look Gucci

Coco wears full look Gucci
Coco Rebecca Edogamhe
Actress, Bologna
«I am sure that there will be a greater representation of the reality we live every day, that everyone will have the opportunity and the way to tell about themselves on the big screen without stereotypes».
What has been the most fulfilling part of your acting career so far?
Despite having just started, the most rewarding moment so far was the release of the Netflix series Summertime in late April. It was really weird to see myself on screen, hear my voice and see myself as Summer but at the same time it was satisfying to see the results of the hard work.
Tell us something you hope to achieve professionally within the next decade.
I want to be proud of myself and of my path by reaching my goals. Professionally I would like to work with my actors and with my favorite actresses like: Viola Davis, Zendaya or Timothee Chalamet. It would really be a dream!
What would you tell your 13 year old self?
I would tell myself to listen to myself more and be patient. I would tell myself to continue to cultivate that desire to want to do something great one day, because it will be the one that will make me live one of the most beautiful experiences of my life.
What changes do you hope to see in your sector in Italy in the next 5-10 years?
Slowly I begin to see that changes are taking place within the world of cinema. I am sure that there will be a greater representation of the reality we live every day, that everyone will have the opportunity and the way to tell about themselves on the big screen without stereotypes. Curiosity and the desire to know will be the engine that will drive this change forward.