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Guide for the Cancer Season and the Summer Solstice

We welcome the warm summer season

Guide for the Cancer Season and the Summer Solstice We welcome the warm summer season
Guide for the Cancer Season and the Summer Solstice We welcome the warm summer season

What is the summer solstice? Solstice from the Latin sol stetit 'the sun stands still' The summer solstice represents the change of season from spring to summer. It is the time when we experience the longest day of the year with about 15 hours of daylight (in Italy) and the shortest night.

What is the connection between the solstice and astrology?

Guide for the Cancer Season and the Summer Solstice We welcome the warm summer season | Image 458168

Astrology is a man-made science based on correlations between the stars and events on our planet, but most importantly on the natural cyclical nature of the seasons. The 4 seasons form the basis for the cyclical nature of the 12 signs of the zodiac. The equinoxes and solstices represent the beginning of a new season, they initiate a new energetic period of nature. In conjunction with these natural events, the season also begins for the cardinal signs of the zodiac: Aries (Spring Equinox), Cancer (Summer Solstice), Libra (Autumn Equinox), Capricorn (Winter Solstice). Each seasonal moment perfectly reflects the symbolism of the zodiac.

When do the equinoxes and solstices fall?

Guide for the Cancer Season and the Summer Solstice We welcome the warm summer season | Image 458169

The events of the equinoxes and solstices never fall regularly on a particular day of the year, but always move between the 20th and 23rd of the month in which they fall, as does the entry of the Sun into the signs of the zodiac.

What should we expect from this Cancer season?

Guide for the Cancer Season and the Summer Solstice We welcome the warm summer season | Image 458171

The beginning of summer is accompanied by the first of the water signs, ruled by the Moon (the light of the night), and, as mentioned above, by a cardinal sign (the one that initiates), Cancer, which opens in itself to the world of feelings and intuitions. We are in the time of year when the seeds have been planted and gradually the fruits begin to ripen, when we must take care of nature if we want beautiful fruits to be born. Fertility and protection are exactly what Cancer stands for. A motherly sign that likes to take care of its surroundings and loved ones.

Guide for the Cancer Season and the Summer Solstice We welcome the warm summer season | Image 458170

After a lively season of communication and fun with the sign Gemini, the Sun in Cancer comes to pamper us. Cancer connects us to our deepest selves, putting us in touch with our feelings and our loved ones, especially family. This sign invites us to understand the feeling of familiarity: what is home for us, where we feel safe and secure. Each of us has a nest and knows that it will always be the place/person that gives us love and makes us feel loved. We welcome this energy to learn to take care of things, a give and take that needs to be cultivated without giving up one or the other. Cancer makes us discover the beauty of intimacy, of sharing that instils trust. The Moon, Cancer's ruling planet, opens the door to all that belongs to human emotionality and welcomes nostalgia.

Guide for the Cancer Season and the Summer Solstice We welcome the warm summer season | Image 458167

Try to remember a balmy summer night lit by the full moon... I imagine that at least once, when you looked at the picture, some moments from the past came to your mind that triggered strong feelings (positive or not) in you. It is no coincidence that we are talking about a sign that knows how to recognise its own value thanks to the wave of emotions it rides every day. With its cardinal sign mode, Cancer knows how to act and initiate something by connecting with its sixth sense. Learn to value your feelings, follow your emotions, listen to your gut, explore your unconscious. The heart wants what the heart wants.