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The 5 best artistic nudity photos ever

Six young photographers and their point of view

The 5 best artistic nudity photos ever Six young photographers and their point of view

Nudity provocative, evocative and censored is only the dim memory; nudity today is not the exception but it is the rule, the part is no longer in evidence but is the background of something else; still triggers reactions, but widely somatized from its widespread distribution in any field.

It 'always curious, then, to see how the nudity is revived and reinterpreted, wanting to intentionally try to impress again and recover a bit' of his idea of ​​transgression: Interestingly, for example, the views of six emerging artists who now propose , presenting their interpretation of the concept of naked:


Group of Ukrainian artists depicting the bodies as subjects sculptural amidst beautiful landscapes. As part of their images, the body becomes another world, a sacred entity.

Andi Galdi Vinko

 Grotesque shapes, compositions, and situations that add something strange to reality, like those moments when you see something but go back to better understand: this is more or less how he does this young Hungarian photographer.

Alva Bernardino

Seeing this representation sexually charged, the body broken into its components more carnal, it is easy to feel complicit in a masculine look, which can be the ideal vantage point from which to see the photos. Photos compel viewers to fill the mind with the missing parts of the body, to build their own story, starting from all that is absent.

Melanie Bonajo

Direct eye and controversial social problems to Bonajo Melanie, who works using models as any objects, or as part of an assemblage of things.

Ren Hang

His pictures do not refer to the implications of the bottom, but are direct and explicit: portrays his favorite subject, sex, and it manifests itself with a certain perversion of the bottom.