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People dressing up like animals


People dressing up like animals #fuckingcrazy

In a society like ours, made ​​almost a thousand alternative style, power and social life, whether it is physical or virtual, people feel freer to express a part of them, which often have obviously repressed, or embrace a way of being and seeing the world entirely new, and want to share with all of this choice. 

In recent times we have seen the interest of many people in disguise and hide in animal form, either through simple tricks that through realistic and elaborate costumes and fully immersed himself in the side, like there was no tomorrow. 

 They will now hates the human world, perhaps too complicated, full of all sorts of implications and constraints? Did you suffer a bit 'too much of the side effects from social network? But in the end who of us has not envied a cat lying in the sun as he ran behind the bus always late? The difference between us and these absurd people, is that they have stopped to wonder how it would be a "dog's life", to begin to experience it in person! Woof woof ...


Via Dazed and Confused