Drawing on the road
Scroll drawings by Carl Krull
October 7th, 2013
Usually when we are in the car, in the front passenger seat, regardless by the destination or by the company, is carrying out activities like sleeping, talking a lot, listening to music, eating junk food, pandering to the people in the other cars, or worse, as happened to me and in a too-quiet day of August, give a passage to very questionable people.
Instead, the Danish artist Carl Krull on a car trip to the United States, thought well to invent a particular practice of drawing, derived from the need to draw on a large scale without a flat surface and rolling up the paper by drawing around a tube, on which to continue, following the gradual trend of curved sheet, doing his "scroll drawings", literally a succession of lines that incorporate vibrations and shocks due to the road, making the drawing into a topographic map of the journey.
The final outcome is absolutely impressive, especially if you think that was made on the passenger seat of a moving car! I invite the more creative people to get into the game and try, even if only to optimize the long times of a boring trip.
Bon Voyage!