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The Address Book - Paris Design Week 2012

The Address Book - Paris Design Week 2012

Il “Salone del Mobile” di Parigi, la Paris Design Week 2012, organizzata da MAISON&OBJECT: dal 10 al 16 settembre la capitale francese diventa meta degli amanti del design e dei professionisti del settore, richiamati da un evento mondano irresistibile, che ha avuto oltre 60.000 visitatori durante la scorsa edizione.

Art & Design, Design & Architecture(s), Iconic & Upcoming, Digital Design & Innovation, Design in France, Food & Design e Mobility; per essere certi di non mancare nessun party o presentazione importante, l’Agenda segnala tutti gli eventi, dalle degustazioni ai dj set.



The french edition of the italian "Salone del Mobile", Paris Design Week 2012, organized by MAISON&OBJECT: from 10th to 16th September the french capital becomes the destination of design amateurs and professionals in the field, recalled by an incredible social event, that had over 60.000 visitors in the last edition.

Art & Design, Design & Architecture(s), Iconic & Upcoming, Digital Design & Innovation, Design in France, Food & Design and Mobility, this are the circuits, to be not to miss any party or important presentation, the Agend indicates all the events, from tastings to dj sets.