The World's first LEGO Colosseum by Ryan McNaught
July 13th, 2012
Il primo Lego Colosseum al mondo, creato da Ryan McNaught. Oltre 200.000 pezzi sono stati necessari per creare questa scena romana, la struttura, i padiglioni esterni e i marciapiedi con gladiatori e governanti che circondano il grande Colosseo. Come riporta MMM, il modello viene presentato per metà come è oggi, nella sua attuale forma rovinata e per metà come era nell'80 dc. Costruito per l'Università di Sydney, è attualmente in mostra presso il Nicholson Museum di Melbourne, Australia, fino a gennaio 2013.
We actually reallly like the size here in the construction of the world's first Lego Colosseum, created by certified Lego builder, Ryan McNaught. Over 200.000 bricks were needed to create this Roman scene and structure, and you even get the outdoor pavillions and walkways with gladiators and rulers surrounding the great Colosseum. As MMM reports, "the model is presented in cross-section with half in its present day ruined form and half as it was when Rome's original Colosseum was built, circa 80 AD. Built for the University of Sydney, it's currently on view at Nicholson Museum in Melbourne, Australia, until January 2013. Truly, it's Lego architecture at its finest."